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Lamar County Schools


Bike Safety Video For Kids

U. S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration

Department of Homeland Security - School Safety

To enhance school safety, the Department of Homeland Security offers funding, training, and resources for efforts such as providing money for emergency preparedness, training school bus drivers in security and hardening school buildings’ vulnerability.

Information about bullying provides information from various government agencies on what bullying iswhat cyberbullying iswho is at risk, and how you can prevent and respond to bullying.

School Bus Safety Information

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration website with many useful tips for school bus safety and more. 


Mississippi Department of Education K-12 Education Resource for teachers, grants reports, student assessment, special education, safe, orderly schools, and technology

Department Of School Safety

Department of School Safety is a community based collaborative effort on the part of the school system, community groups, local agencies, students, and parents. We welcome your input and the opportunity to be of assistance.